Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Allergy - Asthma Treatment - Exercise Tips for Asthma Relief

Asthma is an airway disease which is not only common but also very debilitating. The afflicted finds it difficult to live life to the best of his/her potential. The treatment or management of asthma should be holistic and well integrated to get desirable results. One should plan nutrition therapy. herbal and detox therapy, stress management and pranayam and asanas.

Nutrition Therapy

According to Ayurveda, asthma is a disease that results from overeating coupled with anxiety and fear. The asthmatic should avoid preserved foods, as they contain chemical preservatives one could be allergic to.

Similarly, preserved foods kept for a long time in cans/packets (sometimes for months) become hyper-reactive to the body. Foods like pickles, sour foods, chemical or artificial vinegars are also detrimental for the asthmatic.

Foods which come out from the refrigerator like cold or chilled foods are also not recommended. It is best to have whole grains like dalla and whole oats, while in hot places brown rice can be taken, include a low of leafy vegetables and herbs and spices like cinnamon, garlic ginger and black pepper in the diet. Fruits like apple and papaya are also bery good (avoid banana and watermelon).

In exercises there are some helpful asanas such as the tadasana (when you do this asana you will feel the chest stretching and you will take in a lot of air in your lungs, but do it gently) gomuch asana, bhujang asana and dhanur asana. Some of the breathing exercises which are very good are - naadi shodhan and kapal bhati. Severe asthmatics should begin slowly under supervision. Finally, de-stressing with the help of music, meditation groups and body massages is avery effective.

Exercise Tips for Asthma-

. Breathing Exercise like pranayam, stretching . Moderate to high intensity aerobics workout . Light weight resistance training. . Swimming, jogging, kick boxing, skipping . Respiratory Exercise

Myth- Asthma is caused by dust, pollen etc.

Fact- It results from an imbalanced hypersensitive body-mind condition when even the smallest of agents can trigger an attack.

Must Read- Exercise Tips for Hypertension, Arthiritis, Diabetes at

About the Author:

Ashley Green: for South Beach Diet Program your complete and most comprehensive guide on Weight Loss Tips.

Also, look out for effective yoga exercises and journal for pregrant women at Yoga for Pregnant Woman- Exercises and Tips

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Allergy - Pollen Allergies In Your Landscape

Are you aware of what pollen is to be exact? You will find that there are many species that you plant that will give off pollens and fertilize. You will want to think about the many things that will also cross-pollinate and fertilize its seeds to other places. Like the dandelion weed, you will notice that they will turn to seed quickly and then spread through the air naturally.

You will breath in the air many of these pollens and it will then irritate your nose. You will want to think about the types of pollens that could give you an allergic reaction.

When you are buying a home, you may want to think about the pollens that you will come in contact, if you are thinking about your allergies. First, look at the different types of plants that are in the local area.

Look at the local trees from the neighborhood homes. You will not only want to look at your own home, but the homes that are around you. You can't fix what's already been done in other people's yard, however, you will want to think about what you will need to do in your yard. The reason why you will want to consider the landscaping of the home is because you may need to pay someone to redo your home landscaping and that is going to cost you time and money.

You need to consider the things that you put into the landscape of your home. You never know what is going to cost you later. You may end up thinking that the plants would add a fantastic addition to your home, however, later you find out that your children are allergic or that your husband is allergic. You will want to think about the trees that you plant in your home, because there are a lot of people who will plant trees and then when they pollinate find out that they are allergic.

There is a chemical makeup of pollen that will allow you to have hay fever. Don't think that all plants will give you hay fever. Trees like pine are heavy in pollen, but it doesn't really spread easily. This way you may want to think about having pine trees instead of maple. However, you will want to think about researching the pollen levels of all the plants and trees that you add to your home landscape.

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